587-400-5012 Crave Life - Drug Free Rehab Placement and Drug Interventions 587-400-5012

Drug Rehab

There are approximately 10 million people in the State of Michigan, leaving many tens of thousands of substance abusers looking for effective drug rehab help. Of the several hundred treatment centers in the state, very few of them provide long-term residential rehabilitation services.

We can help you find an effective drug rehab program in Michigan.

National survey results indicate that about 2.9% of Michigan citizens reported illicit drug dependence or abuse within the past year. This translates to more than 242,000 people. During 2006, there were over 65,500 admissions to drug/alcohol rehabs in Michigan. This is up from just over 57,000 rehab admissions in 2005. During 2004, there were less than 61,000 admissions to treatment in Michigan.

Approximately 172,000 people in Michigan (2%) reported past year illicit drug dependence. OxyContin® demand is increasing throughout the state and the abuse and diversion of hydrocodone and methadone are also increasing throughout the state. Heroin is widely available throughout the Detroit area and the more densely populated areas of Michigan. Heroin destined for Michigan continues to originate from different parts of the world such as South America, Mexico and Africa.

During 2007, 38.2% of Federally-sentenced defendants in Michigan were charged with drug offenses. As of August 11, 2008, there were 99 drug courts either being planned or in operation in Michigan. Seventy drug courts had been in existence for at least two years, 13 had recently been implemented and 16 were being planned at that time.

According to available survey data, approximately 217,000 (2.6%) Michigan citizens reported needing but not receiving treatment for illicit drug use within the past year. Cocaine and crack cocaine trafficking and abuse remain at high levels within the state of Michigan. Cocaine purity levels range between 40% to 90% and quantities can be purchased in amounts ranging from grams to several kilograms.

Call us now at 587-400-5012 for more information on effective drug rehab services for someone from Michigan.

Copyright (C) 2010 Crave Life - Drug Free