587-400-5012 Crave Life - Drug Free Rehab Placement and Drug Interventions 587-400-5012

Calgary, Alberta
Drug Rehab

Calgary, ABThere are approximately 1 million people in Calgary, AB. Statistically, this means that there are thousands of adults suffering from substance abuse issues and in need of effective drug rehab programs, and only a small percentage of them receive any help at all. With 20 different drug rehab programs to choose from, how do you know which ones work?

Finding a good inpatient rehab for someone from Calgary can be difficult. Of the adults seeking drug rehab in Calgary, AB through the Alberta Alcohol and Drug abuse Commission (AADAC) for drugs other than alcohol, the majority 61% received outpatient services. 20% received adult detoxification services, 10% received adult residential treatment and 7% attended the Opioid Dependency Program.66% of adults seeking drug treatment were male and 34% were female.

According to the Canadian Addiction Survey (2004), nearly 80% of people in Calgary, AB aged 15 years and older drink alcohol, but most drink in moderation and without harm. 17% of past-year drinkers are considered high-risk drinkers according to the World Health Organization's Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT).

Marijuana (cannabis) is still the most widely used illicit drug in North America. Approximately 14% of people in Calgary, AB reported using marijuana in the past year, with 47% of young adults 18-19 having done so. An additional 3.5% reported using an illicit drug other than cannabis. From 1989 to 2004, the percentage of Albertans using cocaine or crack more than doubled, from 1.1% to 2.4%. Use of other illicit drugs such as methamphetamine, heroin, and LSD have remained below 2% each.

More than 18% current illicit drug users in Calgary, AB experienced one or more types of harm related to their drug use during the year prior to the survey.

Call us now at 587-400-5012 for more information on effective drug rehab services for people from Calgary, AB.

Copyright (C) 2010 Crave Life - Drug Free