587-400-5012 Crave Life - Drug Free Rehab Placement and Drug Interventions 587-400-5012

Drug Rehab

There are nearly 10 million people in the State of Georgia, leaving a couple hundred thousand substance abusers looking for effective drug rehab help. With well over 100 treatment centers around the state, it is unfortunate that there are so few programs that are effective.

We can help you locate a successful long-term rehab facility in Georgia.

National survey results indicate that about 2.7% of Georgia citizens reported illicit drug dependence or abuse within the past year. This translates to more than 195,000 people. During 2005, there were over 44,000 admissions to drug/alcohol rehabs in Georgia. This is up from just over 31,000 rehab admissions in 2004. During 2003, there were more than 36,000 admissions to treatment in Georgia.

Approximately 134,000 people in Georgia (1.87%) reported past year illicit drug dependence. Cocaine and crack cocaine continue to be among the most widely available drugs throughout Georgia. Bulk quantities of powder cocaine are usually transported into the state and then converted into crack by the local wholesaler or retailer. Clandestine laboratories involved in the production of methamphetamine have declined in Georgia since legislation was enacted in 2005 to restrict the sale of over-the-counter products containing pseudoephedrine, one of the essential chemicals used in the production of methamphetamine. Diverted pharmaceutical controlled substances are widely available with Xanax® (alprazolam), Valium® (diazepam), Dilaudid® (hydromorphone), Demerol® (meperidine), and Percodan® (oxycodone) being the most sought after. Current investigations indicate that diversion of hydrocodone products (such as Vicodin®), OxyContin® and pseudoephedrine continues to be a problem in Georgia.

During 2006, 27% of the Federally sentenced defendants in Georgia had committed a drug offense. Approximately 32% of the drug offenses involved methamphetamine. As of April 16, 2007, there were 58 drug courts in existence or being planned in Georgia. Thirty-one drug courts had been operating for more than two years, 13 were recently implemented and another 14 were being planned at that time.

According to available survey data, approximately 175,000 (2.4%) Georgia citizens reported needing but not receiving treatment for illicit drug use within the past year.

Call us now at 587-400-5012 for more information on effective drug rehab services for someone from Georgia.

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