587-400-5012 Crave Life - Drug Free Rehab Placement and Drug Interventions 587-400-5012

Drug Rehab

There are approximately 4.8 million people in the State of Colorado, leaving many tens of thousands of substance abusers looking for effective drug rehab help. Even with the number of treatment centers available in the state, it can be extremely difficult to find a successful long-term rehabilitation center.

We can help you locate an effective drug rehab program in Colorado.

National survey results indicate that about 3.2% of Colorado citizens reported illicit drug dependence or abuse within the past year. This translates to more than 1523,000 people. During 2006, there were over 78,000 admissions to drug/alcohol rehabs in Colorado. This is up from about 76,000 rehab admissions in 2005. During 2004, there were less than 70,000 admissions to treatment in Colorado.

Approximately 86,000 (2.25%) reported past year illicit drug dependence. Enforcement activities reflect a steady supply of cocaine coming into and through Colorado. Reports from law enforcement indicate increased availability of cocaine around the state. Crack is available in the larger metropolitan areas of Colorado, generally in street level amounts. Most of the methamphetamine available in Colorado originates in Mexico. For the first time in years, nearly all indicators of methamphetamine use have declined. Current investigations indicate that the diversion of hydrocodone and oxycodone products continues to be a problem in Colorado.

During2007, 18.5% of the Federally sentenced defendants in Colorado had committed a drug offense. Approximately 35% of the drug offenses involved methamphetamine. As of April 16, 2007, there were 15 drug courts in existence or being planned in Colorado. Nine drug courts had been operating for at least two years, 2 had recently been implemented and another 4 were being planned at that time.

According to available survey data, approximately 110,000 (2.87%) Colorado citizens reported needing but not receiving treatment for illicit drug use within the past year.

Call us now at 587-400-5012 for more information on effective drug rehab services for someone from Colorado.

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